
IOCDF Events

IOCDF offers a variety of in-person and virtual events for all members of the OCD community. Explore the events calendar here.

The Annual OCD Conference will be held in Orlando, Florida this year on July 25-28, 2024. It is the largest national event focused solely on OCD, and it is open to individuals with OCD and related disorders, their families and support systems, and mental health professionals. Find more information here.

Local Events

On Sunday, October 15th, 2023, nearly 150 walkers gathered at Kiwanis Park for the One Million Steps for OCD Walk, hosted by OCD Arizona. The OCD Walk is a national community engagement event that allows individuals across the country to connect, raise funds and awareness around OCD, and build a sense of community. All funds raised go a long way in allowing both the International OCD Foundations and OCD Arizona to provide help, healing, and hope to ensure no one affected by OCD suffers alone. This was Arizona’s first ever OCD walk, and we are so grateful to everyone who helped to make it the great succes that it was. OCD Arizona is looking forward to creating more opportunities to facilitate community, educate providers, and improve support and awareness around OCD. We are already starting plans for the next walk in October 2024, so stay tuned!

Special Thank You to our 2023 OCD Walk Gold Sponsors!

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